Care Instructions

Care Instructions

• If you buy silver or copper jewelry, you can wear it in the shower if you don't mind the color after natural oxidation, but please avoid exposure to high temperatures and chemicals, and do not wear it when soaking in hot springs.

• If you want to keep the luster of silver or copper jewelry, please store it in a zipper bag when not wearing it.
Avoiding contact with air can delay the oxidation of silver jewelry.

• Please avoid heavy pressure, pulling, and take it off as much as possible
when doing housework or exercising.

• It is normal for silver jewelry to oxidize and turn yellow and black when it comes into contact with air.
You can use a toothbrush dipped in toothpaste to wipe it, then rinse it with water and dry it, and then use a silver wiping cloth for final cleaning.

• 購買銀、銅飾者,若不介意自然氧化後的色澤可戴著洗澡,但請避免碰到高溫、化學藥劑,泡溫泉時請勿佩戴。

• 如欲保持銀、銅飾光澤購買者,不配戴時請置於夾鏈袋中保存,

• 請避免重壓、拉扯、做家事或運動時盡可能拿下。

• 銀飾與空氣接觸,氧化變黃變黑為正常現象。

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